Thursday, October 29, 2009

DAY 131

Rick didn't go to treatment today. He is better, but not quite ready for full blown therapy. OT and PT came to the house and worked with him a little bit. I've also stretched him some and I'm not able to tell a difference yet. We're also trying to get back to Baylor Rehab for a short stay just until we get the pump tweeked. I'm just not comfortable staying at Pate and Dr. Konen agreed so he called Dr. Carlile and we are waiting on insurance to approve the transfer. Rick was really tired today, but was able to eat about 50% of his meals and has not thrown up anymore.

We had fruitbasket turnover in the house today. 4 of our roommates moved out and 4 new ones moved in. The old roommates got to move up to the Hilltop House which is actually efficiency apartments for people who are more independent. Kelly C went up there and she was so excited...I miss her, but I'll still see her at treatment.

God will open the doors that need to be opened for Rick and He will get us where we need to be. I'm so thankful to all of those who are allowing me to be here taking care of him.



  1. Crystal,
    We are glad to hear that Rick is feeling a little better. We know how dis-heartening it is for things to be running smoothly then take a turn the other way, however we also know that God is still God and Jesus is still Jesus and Satan "CAN NOT" change that or the words they have written and spoken!! Yes, he can and does put up a few speed bumps or detours but he
    "CAN NOT" change what the Word has ordained. Now, let's pray and agree, Father we thank you for a better day today and we thank you in advance for a better day tomorrow! Lord we thank you for supernatural healing for Rick and comfort and wisdom for Crystal. Father we thank you and ask a special blessing for all of the folks who have given support, prayers, or just kind words to the Kieschnick family and their families. Lord we thank you for resolution for these latest problems and continued healing for Rick. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen and Amen
    God Bless America, the Morris family, the Moorehouse family, and the Tongue River Ranch families!! later, Rick

  2. Hey Crystal, we are testing this blog thing out. Me and mom aren't sure what we are doing. We'll write more later.

  3. OK, it looks like we did it. We just wanted you to know we are thinking about you and Rick and very proud he is making some progress. We'll keep checking out your blog each day and keep in touch. We are praying for you. Let us know if you need anything. Love you, Juanell, Debra, Missy and Billy
