Tuesday, June 1, 2010

DAY 343 & 344

There was no therapy yesterday so we didn't do much. The patients and TA's cooked out at lunch. I got Rick in the standing frame for 20 minutes. He said he didn't want to do it, but agreed to 20 minutes...he looked at his watch to make sure I didn't keep him in a minute too long. And at 20 minutes he was telling me it was time. I also got him on the mat and stretched him a little. When we were done I told him to stand up and he assistance from me whatsoever...he just stood. The mat was supporting him right behind his knees, but other than that, it was all him! Today the kids and I left Lubbock at 10 am to come to TRR. We checked on Rick first and he was in a pretty good mood...working hard in PT. I called and talked to him at 6 and he said he was okay, and that he remembered where I was. I told him, "right now I'm trying to pack Cade's room so the first thing I did was bring in the trash can! I think our son could be on "Hoarders" with all his "treasures"! And Rick agreed...he remembered what that room was like. Sammie and Stoney had us over for supper and then we sat on the porch and visited while the kids played. Sammie has been such a lifesaver to me and I will miss her so much when we move. I called TLC to check on Rick and they said he had a good day, but was extremely tired. We'll be here most of the day tomorrow and will hopefully have at least 50% of our stuff packed up.

As I packed today, I noticed all the books and other literature I had been reading right before Rick's accident. I looked at pages I had dog earred and how God had put all of this before me to prepare me for what was about to happen. He works in such mysterious ways...He makes all the pieces of the puzzle fit together when we can' matter how hard we try, we can't make them fit...He has to do it.

Everyone who is a child of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world-our faith. 1 John 5:4

God bless,


  1. Crystal,

    I don't envy you packing. I know exactly what you mean about "Hoarders"! I think I must be one and I know my girls are.

    Glad to hear of Rick's progress. Sounds like he is getting tired of therapy, but of course, that's why he has made such great progress.
    Thanks for the updates.

    Ann & Cliff

  2. Cade and Broc have sooo much in common other than their genetics and last name, ha! Broc has tons of treasures as well.
    It is comforting and surreal (I can't believe I just used that word!) sometimes when you look at the invisible path that the Lord has sent you. I have always said He has a plan and it is a GOOD one. As you know, we must trust in Him...sometimes that is really hard for those of us (me) that like to control everything. You (you, Rick, and the kids) have been and continue to be a great Christian example. We love you all and are so proud to call you family and friends!

  3. Amen to the Word of God, the bible tells us in Jesus' words that we will do greater things than he had done, wow what experiences we have in front of us!!!! God Bless you all, keep you safe, and keep up the good work, Rick is being restored in the name of Jesus, amen and amen
    later, Rick

  4. I love the comment about Cade's room! Please tell him I read this comment-I think it will put a smile on his face! :) ...reading your comment put a smile on my face. All year Cade tired to tell me Riley was messy and he was the NEATEST one! He always said it with a little smirk. It always made for a good tease when I cleaned out desk or they asked to clean out their desk. Hope you all are having wonderful 'family time'!
    I have something to mail to Cade, is the TLC address the best?
